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The bees all died
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Posted 10/1/2024 04:16 (#10910792 - in reply to #10910527)
Subject: RE: The bees all died

coast of Maine
Ken,were there any dead bees piled on the ground?Usually this is the case with an insecticide being gathered in the pollen or nectar.Kind of a short window for them all to be dead with a honey supply still there.Conceivable that it was actually hit directly with an insecticide?The bees swarmed and it was too late for them to complete a beneficial move,,at least here unless it is June/july the swarm where ever it went is going to be toast by spring.The question remains do you eat the honey? I would be avoiding if it was treated directly.Probably seen more bees than most,,used to find every queen in each hive (1500hives)mostly in a week in March in the swamps of Georgia when I was a teen working for my dad.If it was an absconding not a swarm they left all the retarded old workers behind and left with a better destination in mind.happens if they think there home there really sucks.Bees have short lives and need a social order to survive.
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