Highland Center, in Southeast Iowa | dirt n grease - 9/30/2024 11:48 37 years ago today i was young and knew everything. I was working on a forage harvester while it was running. I found a loose chain on the feed rolls and rather than shut it off I worked on it while it was running. and learned the hard way. I got a flight to the hand trama center. Bottom line be careful during harvest season.
Some years ago, my work put me in contact with an engineer who was one of the leads on the development of the kernal processor on JD pull-type forage harvesters. During the testing phase, he wanted to have some type of visual of what was going on within the machine as the crop entered the kernal processer. He had the techs tie him about the waist with stout rope attached to the platform, and he hung out over the head of the chopper with a video camera so that he had reference to show his group what was actually happening to the corn kernals going into the processer......a little like a (mostly) live go-pro. Yeah, he was a maniac. |