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Waitressing these days
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Posted 9/30/2024 00:37 (#10909455 - in reply to #10909413)
Subject: RE: Waitressing these days

Rowcropcattleman - 9/29/2024 22:52

Are waitresses trained at all in cash? I’m assuming the answer is a hard no, everyone uses card. I pay in cash, tonight $36.98 bill, give 2 - $20’s and a $10 I get my $10 bill back and $3 ones. (Face palm) Couple weeks ago it was $39, I pay with a $100 and get 3 - $20’s and a $1 back. It didn’t use to be this bad 10-15 years ago, they’d give back 5-$1, $5 and $10 in place of a $20. I’m thinking they’re not trained at all in how to give change back. It’s been at basically every restaurant lately.

Two of the restaurants I worked at, the servers would be responsible for bring in their own money and making their own change. If they ran out of small bills, they would have to make change at the bar or wait for a manager to make change for them. During a rush nobody wants to take the time to get change instead of helping customers, especially the customers. As for shorting you .02¢ when you over paid, you’re lucky she didn’t think the extra $10 was a tip.

Edited by thssks 9/30/2024 00:41
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