N FLA | You guys have me wanting to plant some open pollinated corn this year, just to see what its like. If you could figure out which of these varieties was the high yielder, maybe you could do allright. IF it stands.
Agronomy Guide 2009–2010
Part 1, Section 4: Corn
Section 4 Table of Contents
Open pollinated
The availability and performance of superior hybrids essentially have made the practical use of open-pollinated corns obsolete. Open pollinated corns often suffer from low yields and poor standability. Four open-pollinated varieties—Early Butter, Reids Yellow Dent, Golden Surprise, and Lancaster Surecrop—were evaluated in Pennsylvania Hybrid Corn Tests. Of 59 county tests, the average yield for the open-pollinated varieties was 82.9 bushels per acre with 29.4 percent down stalks. The average yield of the hybrids was 132.9 bushels per acre with 7.8 percent down stalks—a 50-bushel or 60 percent yield advantage.
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