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Pionner seed GDU rankings?
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Posted 9/18/2024 08:19 (#10894803 - in reply to #10893863)
Subject: RE: Wrong

Colby, Kansas
My understanding agrees with golfnut. I have asked multiple Pioneer and Brevant contacts over the years as we've been using their products in a number of research studies where we have been evaluating hybrid maturity as a factor. The answer I have consistently received from technical folks across Corteva is that they start counting at emergence.

Obviously, we're not talking to the same people and apparently there isn't uniform understanding within the company.

CRM numbers are generally worthless when comparing across companies (and sometimes within a company).

Allis4ever - 9/17/2024 11:18

golfnut - 9/17/2024 07:14

Pioneer does not start counting GDUs until emergence while Bayer starts counting at planting date.  A 104 day Pioneer will act like a 107 or 108 day Bayer number.

I was 99% you were wrong, but i confirmed it anyway. Pioneer DOES NOT start counting gdu’s until emergence, they start on planting date. While there is no standard in the industry for stating a hybrid’s maturity since each company rates it based on more than just gdu’s to black layer, hence some may seem earlier than another or later than another, but when using gdu’s to any given stage they should all be similar or certainly within a little bit of each other assuming the company didn’t make a mistake. As always weather does affect some hybrids differently from year to year which could explain some differences seen from year to year.

Edited by LHaag 9/18/2024 08:21
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