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Another take on the perpetual solar debate
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David in MD
Posted 9/15/2024 02:06 (#10890785 - in reply to #10889735)
Subject: RE: Another take on the perpetual solar debate

I have solar panels that provide power for my farm and my parent's house. Meter fee is $12.07 per month. Haven't paid for actual power in years. I'll admit the government picks winners and losers and they want solar to be a winner. With the tax credit, net metering, and SREC payment it pays better than the crops from the marginal soils they are sitting on. I've often thought I wish I had installed them higher so I could graze something under them instead of just mowing the area. If the the power company would accept the power I'd be all for community or commercial solar as the $2500 per acre per year is more than I can make on any crop I grow.
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