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2388 rocktrap
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Posted 9/13/2024 11:53 (#10889004 - in reply to #10888919)
Subject: RE: 2388 rocktrap

I only dump mine if I have reason to believe it picked up a rock or a big stick or something. Otherwise it's full of crap in 5 minutes again and all you did was get dirty for no reason (hint, Park with lever upwind) All the chaff/dirt/junk that accumulates in there is easily displaced by a rock once you've got one. If that weren't true then you would need to empty it every 5 minutes.

Having ran both I will say that a rock trap costs you some capacity. People claim the razor rock beater helps with that a bunch but I have no experience with one. I do have plenty of experience replacing beater wear bars from picking up treasures so I know it works at least.
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