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7120 Front Crankshaft Seal
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junk fun
Posted 9/13/2024 08:34 (#10888818 - in reply to #10888695)
Subject: RE: 7120 Front Crankshaft Seal

The tool is for getting the new sleeve on. I've never done a sleeve on a cummins, but have done other sleeves and never had a proper tool, but never had a problem. Since it's a cummings, there's plenty of guys on youtube putting them on with a hammer, rock, tannerite... You can use a chisel to take the old one off, if it has one if it's been done before. Don't think the cummins's came with sleeves, but maybe the CASE did? If it has a sleeve, or even if it doesn't, it may not need one, the crank is hardened and doesn't wear easily, and the sleeve is even harder. Seeing wear is fine, if you can feel it bad, then it needs a (new) sleeve.
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