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Left lane drivers
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Posted 9/12/2024 14:17 (#10888049 - in reply to #10887926)
Subject: RE: Left lane drivers

pat-michigan - 9/12/2024 12:38

BeerBudgetFarms - 9/11/2024 13:09

Mark in WCIowa - 9/11/2024 10:56

You realize that you can be ticketed for driving the speed limit in the left lane if you are restricting traffic thus are a safety hazard, right?

I never said I was doing the speed limit. For example the other day there was a red Ford f 150 flying up I75 and I was doing 85 and just curious I pick it up to match the Ford we were doing 95 and then I went up 100 and the DB had to up it like 105 because he passed me my wife said to me you in hurry and I said I was doing a experiment to see how big a DB that guy was. So the point is I could be doing 20 over in the Left frickin lane and still be impending right DB

Yes- you now get it. You can be running 20 over and impeding the flow of traffic.

And if that the case surely enjoy blocking traffic I'm just tired of drivers not thinking about other people lives when they speed going by me inthe truck or worst farm equipment we live and farm in such a area they don't slow down a bit when passing
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