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John Deere quality gone downhill
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Posted 9/12/2024 12:06 (#10887875 - in reply to #10886638)
Subject: RE: John Deere quality gone downhill


nosoup4u - 9/11/2024 15:17
cyclones30 - 9/11/2024 11:09

1973 - 9/11/2024 08:53 Please just show me one thing quality has improved on

Agreed, no matter the product or industry. 

Have you on a car or pickup built in the last 15 years had to do a tune up at 15,000 miles? Replaced the ball joints at 50,000? Traded it off at 70,000 because it started taking oil? When is the last time you took a TV to the repair shop?

TV's go in the trash now most of the time. 

I know of quite a few Ford EcoBoom motors that have needed full timing jobs or worse at 50k or less 

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