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School shootings
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Posted 9/11/2024 09:20 (#10886256 - in reply to #10886208)
Subject: RE: School shootings

Faunsdale, AL
The point of the article is not that any specific country is naturally an outlier. It’s that for events that happen rarely, countries with smaller population sizes are always going to be outliers.

Solution is to combine a bunch of countries together so their population is similar to ours. When you combine all the others and compare them to us, the comparison is pretty stark.

And I hope you noticed that Mexico is in that list………..way down below us…….A country where drug cartels intimidate the army has fewer mass shootings than the USA.

I’m not real enthusiastic about making us look better by comparing to Congo and Guatemala.

Edited by ccjersey 9/11/2024 09:27
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