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School shootings
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Posted 9/10/2024 22:26 (#10885834 - in reply to #10885792)
Subject: RE: School shootings

LPaulson7 - 9/10/2024 22:04 I never said an SRO in every building was a bad idea...did you not read what I typed...I said an armed guard...meaning untrained. Thats not giving away a constitutional clearly dont know the language of the second ammendment... it clearly states: A well REGULATED i need to define what well regulated means. No, it does not. You clearly have zero idea how class 3 weapons work. What youre talking about is fully automatic weapons, and youre low on that, theyre 30k+ because of supply and demand. All class 3 machine guns have to be manufactured before 1986 thanks to the NFA of 1986. ARs would still be produced just like suppressor are, you can get a suppressor for $700. You'll still be able to buy an AR15 for $500, you're just going to need that $200 tax stamp for it along with the strict background check, fingerprinting, and waiting period. You may want to educate yourself on actual gun laws bud...because you clearly don't know or understand them.

Since when is an armed guard untrained? you probably think LEO are highly trained , and every gun owner should be as proficient with firearms as they are.
LOL, I had an 01, 06,& 07 FFL for 12 years. 
You have no idea what the Constitution says in regards to the 2nd
We get it you think more gov is the answer to all problems - you have no business being an FFL holder, but your type is exactly who the gov likes - more boot lickers.

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