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Trade in value formula from mega dealers
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Big Ben
Posted 9/10/2024 20:42 (#10885636 - in reply to #10885380)
Subject: RE: Trade in value formula from mega dealers

Columbia Basin, Ephrata, WA
newred - 9/10/2024 14:57

One would think it should be worth more than $35k trade in value, but that being said the $23 cost per hour the other guy has figured would probably be hard to beat with Any newer tractor and the $11 per hour over 1200 hours is real reasonable . The price drop for the first 1200 hours is more drastic . He uses it alot to have 5200 hours in 4 years .

The price drop for the first 4 years/1200 hours also includes the value of warranty, which is a big deal in the emissions era.

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