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Surveying equipment utilizing Deere RTK
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Posted 9/9/2024 15:20 (#10883982 - in reply to #10880536)
Subject: RE: Deere RTK / NavCom receivers

Southern Illinois
You would need to find a NavCom SF3040 rover receiver. These were single unit with antenna inside and pole mounted. There are some used one for sale around off and on.

NavCom is the company Deere bought years ago. They quit selling under the NavCom brand a few years ago. The SF3040 is equivalent to having a SF3000 ag receiver. The difference is usually the 3040 is unlocked for RTCM but conversely has no CAN bus communication and can't be used on JD farm equipment where the sf3000 plugs right in. The SF3000 can only use RTCM when it has a yearly activation for mobileRTK which was $1250 when we bought it this year.

There are also older NavCom receivers like a 2040 or 2030. These use the oldest NCT message like an iTC receiver uses. Will still work on a newer base but is gps only like the iTC.

Edited by JHEnt 9/9/2024 15:21

(pic navcom sf3040 (full).jpg)

Attachments pic navcom sf3040 (full).jpg (9KB - 15 downloads)
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