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Creating boundaries with tractor or ranger.
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Posted 9/8/2024 23:00 (#10883283)
Subject: Creating boundaries with tractor or ranger.

When setting up boundaries using John Deere equipment would you rather use a ranger with a 2630 in it or go with a tractor (8r) with a 4600 in it?

Main things we would like to accomplish would be to create boundaries for spraying, marking exact location of tile inlets, and creating auto steer lines now that we have on globe capable of rtk.

From what I understand with the 2630 we would make two passes around everything. One for the boundary and one for the lines. The 4600 is capable of making auto steer lines based on the boundary alone. Is this correct? Is there a way to create a boundary with the 4600 and then have lines sent to our 2630's or would we still have to created lines around the field for that?

Any other advice going into this that I should know.

Thanks for looking!
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