west-byGod-Pa. | (1) get PROPERLY tested for LYME & associated pathogens. ONLY IGENEX Lab-Milpatas, California should be used for blood test. Other labs are lazy-used disavowed methods-happened to me. One of the side-effects of LYME is an inability to sleep. MULTITUDES of people have been ( FALSELY) told they do not have LYME when in fact they do.
(2) MOST people are deficient in magnesium. Get Magnesium
Biglycinate/Glycinate for starters. Suggest also getting magnesium L-Threonate( only form that passes the blood/brain barrier.
(3) Valerian root is a homeopathic recommendation.
Some herbalists recommend some flower tinctures as an aid. Aromatherapy
(4) some dietary change/elimination may be indicated.
You might try eliminating all carbs, or all salt-or some such. Dr.GERSON found salt to be the source of severe migraine s by going thru a process of elimination of every aspect of his diet.
(5) Re: magnesium: the three sisters need to be in balance: magnesium, calcium, potassium. Blood tests often fail because the body will pull these elements out of bone to keep blood balance even, giving a false reading.
Also-MOST of us are short on vitamin D. Use the internet to get some understanding of quality In supplements. I do not get any from big-box stores or drug stores: quality can be seriously lacking AND can be sourced from China-a major no-go! | |