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Trapshooting setup for high school son
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Posted 9/8/2024 09:53 (#10882422)
Subject: Trapshooting setup for high school son

Dayton, IA
My freshman son wanted to shoot trap this weekend with his ffa chapter. He enjoys hunting and shooting so time to get him set up better. He has a mossberg sa20 and it’s time to move him up to a 12 gauge and get it fit right.

I sent him with a 12 ga Remington V3 I bought when they came out and I never felt like I shot well so it can just be his. I assume the most important part is fit more so than the gun brand or model to start? I also have a Remington 1100 I bought from a friend in college who was on the trapshooting team. I enjoy shooting that gun much more than the V3. Those are the 2 shotguns I have that I am willing to not call “mine” anymore.

Do we figure out his length of pull and get a well fitting stock for “any gun” or start over and find a gun he likes and shoot’s well and get that fit for him? Not going to go overboard but want him to move into something that he will enjoy for hunting and shooting for a long time. Figured plenty of people here have moved a kid through this process.

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