| The Plumbing store has more than one costumer buying from them so you would spread your work to all costumers. and that is exactly what China does, they buy 22% of their needs from Brazil, 19% from US and 16% from EU. Now tell me how much would you buy from a costumer that spent everyday calling you every name in the book? Lastly you do understand China is still the number two costumer of the USA Ag.
Now to your second argument ( also very Poor one) When a company moves it operation of shore its not the country they move to that created the problem, its the company that moved. So you go after the company, the best way to do that is to elevate the tax rate that company pay's on profits gained and also elevate the tax rate on the money that the upper management was given to move those profits overseas. when Elon moved Tesla production overseas the profits from that are taxed at 80% , Apple moved production overseas that is taxed at 80%, when Elon gets 56 billion in pay for moving that production overseas it gets taxed at 80% pretty simple way, and the purchasers of those goods are not paying the bill for the tariffs. | |