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Posted 9/4/2024 13:29 (#10878287 - in reply to #10877694)
Subject: RE: Just something to think about

Actually simplifying the voting process with the existing system would virtually eliminate contentious elections. Requiring in person paper voting with a valid ID to be presented at the time of voting at manned and video recorded voting stations would eliminate virtually all of the concerns about the integrity of the process. It could be held over several consecutive days to allow virtually everyone an opportunity to be able to vote. If a person isn’t willing to show ID or make the time to vote sometime in those few days they can’t be that concerned about the result and have no right to complain.

There sure is a lot of pushback over instituting some simple measures that would eliminate the concerns of election integrity. That pushback just adds to the validity of those concerned about election integrity.

I know paper ballots would be a hassle but that hassle would be very insignificant compared to the turmoil the current mess of a system has caused. Having a clear “paper trail” to verify the results when questions arise SHOULD be desired by all.

Edited by havin’funfarming 9/4/2024 13:30
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