Parker, SD | Just checked this morning. No change, it possibly had a backlight flicker at key on but that was it, and couldn't duplicate it with more key cycles so can't confirm it was even that much. The LED top right is dead, I think that usually comes on green?
Sorry for the fuse confusion. The fuse are numbered in the panel, I just meant when I had checked fuses before posting and anytime in the past, the fuse diagram is just pictures. I would like words, tell me what your vague pictures actually mean, especially when one picture has five fuses and or relays associated with it.
How much do you get for a display and what process would you go through for a test unit, being we are in South Dakota.
I've seen posts in the past about upgrading to a data5 have you had success with this? I have not read any success stories on the swap.
I appreciate the help this far.
Is there any software programming required for the c1000.
I know a couple neighbors with agco/challenger tractors. I could check with them.
Edited by dodgetruck2 9/4/2024 09:22
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