CNY | I financed my bin with the FSA program. Pretty reasonable, not too much hassle but we have excellent staff (currently) at our office. I have mine set up so it’s one annual payment which is nice. Once it’s paid off I’m going to do another one the same way.
As much as you might hate it if I was you I would just sell everything at harvest this year (your getting pretty late to do anything now) and make a solid plan for next year.
If your time is worth anything piling grain on gravel in a building just isn’t worth it (mostly the cleaning up). Sounds like a lot of screwing around to me.
Find an older guy or unused property and rent their bins.
As said, there’s tons of smaller used bins really cheap on Marketplace. Get a couple of them set up for next year. Or start working on a plan to finance a new one.
A favorite quote I heard was “When you get desperate, it’s because you’re running out of options. If you don’t like your options, find more options” | |