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Fighting a grease gun
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Posted 9/2/2024 16:54 (#10876149 - in reply to #10875558)
Subject: RE: Fighting a grease gun

Sioux County, NWIA
I very rarely have trouble with air locking in my grease guns. I have many of them ranging from $$$ DeWALT power guns to the cheapest farmstore manual pistol grip. Always store grease tubes with the plastic cap up. Buy a box at a time so they sit that way for many months. Doesn’t matter what kind of grease.

The other thing I do when I switch tubes is spin the housing about 2/3rds of the way on the threads, then release the spring, then tighten the housing the rest of the way. This gives any air trapped up there a chance to leave.

Edited by Gearclash 9/2/2024 16:57
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