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Fall/winter delayed price rates, what is your locals at?
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Posted 9/1/2024 14:46 (#10874876 - in reply to #10874843)
Subject: RE: Fall/winter delayed price rates, what is your locals at?

CaseIH7240 - 9/1/2024 13:10

It’s looking like there will be a big swing in prices to store grain locally in Ohio. Of the two places I hail two one said a flat 8 cents per month. Another hasn’t set a price but they said they were thinking of being the same as last year, which was 15 cents a month until January 1 and then drops to 10. They’ve never had that big of a swing so wondering if it’s like that everywhere. Thanks.

Never understood why anybody would plant a crop and not have on farm storage to hold ? @ those kind of charges , not too hard to get bins to pencil out.
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