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Bull Killed My Uncles Brother in 1925
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Posted 9/1/2024 13:44 (#10874817 - in reply to #10874149)
Subject: RE: Bull Killed My Uncles Brother in 1925

Faunsdale, AL
Had a group of cows with a bull in a pasture next to my house. Everything was good. Kids just didn’t go out there. Swapped the bull out and things started downhill! New bull would come up and bellow and paw up dirt on other side of yard fence when kids were out in the yard. That progressed to pushing under net wire fence.

So I decided an electric fence would be the best solution. Had one of my guys go in with a 4020 and keep the bull occupied down the other end of the pasture while I put up the hot wire and got it all ready. Then he drove up to toward the house and just parked it. Bull soon lost interest in the tractor and came up to push under fence. He had to touch hot wire twice before he changed his mind. That stopped that!
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