| An acquaintance trailered three bulls of his to the closest veterinarian for sperm testing. Guy had raised all three bulls from baby calves born on his ranch. He said last thing he remembered was standing in a pen with the bulls as the veterinarian and an employee were standing close by. They were in the process of moving each bull into and through the squeeze chute. I don't recall if more than one of the bulls roughed him up or just one. He didn't see it coming. It was lights out pretty quick. I think the vet and employees had to force the bulls into another pen before they could try to help the now unconscious owner lying on the ground.
I was sitting with him at a restaurant after he was well enough to be released from the closest hospital. Broken ribs, severe bruising, collapsed lung, and lacerated liver.
We had a frightful experience with a bull after trailering all the bulls to a main corall on the ranch for the same vet to come out for testing. There were too many bulls to trailer into town for testing. We were attempting to get the bulls to go into a smaller pen. I think there were five or six of us guys there that morning assisting with the bulls. The bulls weren't cooperating with being moved closer to the chute. I was in the bigger pen and saw the obvious body language of one bull in particular. That was when I knew to make a slow, but safe exit and keep a bale feeder between myself and that one bull while climbing out. I believe it wasn't long until the rest of the guys saw my exit and they soon followed. One of the macho guys walked up to the pipe fence and began popping the bull on its nose with a stock whip. This guy had been hurt several times in the past and apparently still thought poking the bear was the thing to do despite him already missing several front teeth.
Anyone with any sense wouldn't have been popping that bull on the nose to aggravate it more. But the guy persisted. Meanwhile I started looking for something to climb up on as it was evident there would more than likely be a giant angry bull on the wrong side of the pipe fence. That bull got angrier and moved to a different side of the pen. The guys started yelling at it and that bull finally had enough. He turned and made a straight run for them. That pipe fence didn't stop him. Blood was all over his head while he aimed for the guy running parallel down the fence. The bull was right on the man's heels. It looked like someone was about to no longer exist in a few seconds. But the guy managed to make a quick right turn and head towards a tree lined fence. The bull kept going straight and headed for a Farm to Market road. We hopped in a pickup and got way ahead of him where I opened a gate and quickly left. That bull put himself up in that pasture. We weren't sure if he would charge at the pickups so we kept a safe distance away.
Edited by Mr Green Jeans 8/31/2024 11:34
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