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Texas Hedge time???
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Dan Loehr
Posted 8/31/2024 08:29 (#10873341 - in reply to #10873048)
Subject: RE: Texas Hedge time???

Holland, Indiana (SW IN)
Tiberius - 8/30/2024 21:33

Just curious, are you long on physical bushels as your third leg of Texas Hedged or are you counting your HTA,'s?

We have no 2023 crops left
Have only soybeans planted -24 crop --start harvest less than a week
have HTA's at the elevator on about 1/3 of 24 crop "not enough sold back then" but we did some
bought back on the board (Schawb account) all HTA bu bought additional contracts of soybeans in the Nov
decided to buy Dec corn contracts "just because"

Possibly doesn't fit the definition of Texas Hedge ??

We like HTA's --let the elevator carry the hedge --we like the elevator we deal with
think the HTA's we have on have done their job

We are seldom in the market "on the board" but keep a Money market account at Schwab "pays 5%" so it's easy to trade

it is unusual for us to be a trader -

Dan ---

Crowcrick word salad enough for you? tell us what you are up to -- If we try something I'll post it
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