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Hey Hohn B
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Mr Green Jeans
Posted 8/29/2024 17:17 (#10871299 - in reply to #10869946)
Subject: RE: sardines olive oil vs water packed

John Burns - 8/28/2024 16:47

This is the brand of sardines I prefer. I used to order the ones in olive oil but have switched to water packed because of the controversy on olive oil being adulterated with other oils. They both taste great. I like to sometimes put a squirt of mustard on top before eating. Left is in olive oil, right in water. I buy them in packages of a dozen on Amazon. Reasonably priced that way.

May need to try that brand. Thanks for posting this.

There's a specialty German grocery store in the states that sells their own brand mustards in addition to many other items. That mustard might taste great with the sardines. Friends had me over for dinner at their ranch and that's where I learned about that mustard. Can't remember what the label said. They use it on a type sausage that same German grocery store sells and makes. Delicious.
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