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What's the status of the farm bill?
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Posted 8/27/2024 12:25 (#10868419 - in reply to #10868294)
Subject: RE: What's the status of the farm bill?

Sw mn
piperfarmer - 8/27/2024 10:43

Hick - 8/27/2024 09:05

SteveMn - 8/27/2024 08:35

Disaster money for who ? Farmers are not getting any money, They don’t care about us.

Good. We don’t need any money.

absolutely, there are many Ukrainians who need the money far worse than some stupid farmers

How about they just stop taking money out of my left pocket and putting it in my right.

Get rid of all subsidies for crop insurance, except for farmers with less than 10 years experience. Give them a max subsidy of $10,000. Get ride of prevent plant.

Private crop insurance would weed out the cheats. With no prevent plant 10,000 acre farms would get smaller. More small farms would help the rural economy.

Some of this ground would go back to cattle if the government didn’t subsidize crop insurance. Less corn and more cattle would raise corn prices.
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