Jeffersonville, OH | thefoolishfarmer - 8/27/2024 07:11
I can't seem to find the specs on how wide an 8 row Drago GT corn head is. By width I'm meaning from tip of snout to back of gear cases. Do the snouts on a Drago fold up for transport or do they just hinge up for service? As you've probably figured out, I'm trying to see what all is involved in hauling a head. Thanks.
They fold up for service, then you can tip the snout down for transport. Should be a legal load once they are folded down.
If you're buying one and are in our area, we try and keep a good selection of parts in stock for them. The GT's are a great header for us.
I can go measure one if you need, but I know they are well inside a trailer once folded up.
Chris |