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Becks vs Pioneer side by side
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Posted 8/26/2024 21:56 (#10867716 - in reply to #10867630)
Subject: RE: Becks vs Pioneer side by side

mercer county, il
I guess I should have specified. My combine doesn’t have load cells under the hopper, and the yieldsense system works pretty well in my opinion, but the fact remains that a flow sensor is a flow sensor, not a scale.

If I use a flow meter calibrated for gallons, and a gallon of water goes through, that weighs 8.34 lb, and a gallon of 32% goes through that weighs 11.06lb, it’s gonna say a gallon went through, maybe slightly more or less because of the specific gravity of the fertilizer, but at the end of the day, volumetric measurements are not the same as weight measurements.
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