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Trying canola for the first time wondering about finesse?
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Posted 8/25/2024 15:52 (#10865723 - in reply to #10865682)
Subject: RE: Trying canola for the first time wondering about finesse?

Central Alberta
ksfarm1 - 8/25/2024 14:18

A field we decided to try canola on has been sprayed with .5 oz finesse august 24th. Does that mean that field can’t be planted to canola this fall? Anyone have experience with this, any help would be appreciated!

I've used the two active ingredients of Finesse, chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl, separately and under different product names. Both are residual in the soil, and although the official half-life for Finesse is up to 45 days, I wouldn't want to plant canola on the same ground, particularly in the same year. There have been residue problems in the past using both these chemicals, and in some cases, there was crop damage the following year.

Beware of what the reps may tell you; In one such case, a soil scientist was sued by the chemical company for reporting results of crop damage due to residual chemicals the following year.
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