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Was I wrong for getting upset about this?
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Posted 8/24/2024 17:34 (#10864584 - in reply to #10864541)
Subject: RE: Was I wrong for getting upset about this? New survey?

TD15 - 8/24/2024 17:16

What are you going to do when the survey doesn't line up with the old fence line? Going through this now could be costly.

Yep, seen that more often than not. I’ve seen a line surveyed by 3 different surveyors and all were different. Landowners took it to court. Judge ordered a 4th surveyor to redo it, turned out different than the other three. Being it was court ordered it became the “official” surve. One guy lost several acres over the dea. Use to be good friends, haven’t spoke to each other for several years
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