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Interest rates
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Posted 8/23/2024 16:52 (#10863252 - in reply to #10862819)
Subject: RE: Interest rates

Theres something badly wrong when the economy cant function with 6-7% interest rates which are about normal for the past 50 years..2-3% interest rates let the price of homes-land -etc double in the past few years...If you want things to get even worse just start lowering the interest rates again..If the truth was told interest rates should probably be raised even more but the public has gotten far to used to nearly free money..They will pay 25% interest on a credit card but will whine about a home loan at 6%...

The debt has went up about 21 trillion in just the past 16 years...I was reading where LBJ's war on poverty has cost the US over 25 trillion since being started some 60 years ago....The results are that we have more people living in poverty than ever before.

The crooks at Wall Street love cheap interest so they can keep the stock market going up and up way beyond what its actually worth.....They would love to see 2-3% interest again which means savers will only get 1% or less on their CD's...They want everyone in the stock market.

There is no painless fix to the mess that this country is in..The question is how many more years can they kick the can on down the road.

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