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Why Biden did'nt end Trump tariffs and why they will grow
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Posted 8/23/2024 11:21 (#10862915 - in reply to #10862778)
Subject: RE: Why Biden did'nt end Trump tariffs and why they will grow


I am getting old and becoming my parents.  Clearly I was raised by an economist.  I think $2 gas will let much of the economy sort itself out, removing the financial incentives for broken families will let much of the social system sort itself out, fixing immigration to allow talent to enter the country and work legally just makes the pie that much bigger, and as Warren Buffett has noted, we could fix deficit (or excessive deficit) spending in congress by adding a constitutional amendment that no one in congress can be re-elected if they pass a deficit or excess deficit budget.

I don’t care about the trade balance except that I can understand that there are tools that can be used to leverage everyone into having reciprocal free trade policies, not reciprocal free trade cumulative values.

Yes, that is long on principles and short on specifics.  I am not any sort of expert on these issues.

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