EC SD | You make a couple of great points. PFT won't stop at fields that have their drowned out mud holes next to the road. They will find a nice dry driveway to park on. These are at the top of the hill to avoid getting equipment stuck there, and to make it safer for entry/exit onto the roadway. This year those high spots are the least impacted (by heavy rains) of the whole field. Tour comments says every field has some trouble spots and I agree with that. They did not sample any of the trouble spots though.
My fields that are continuously rolling and have tile in the bottoms are doing pretty well despite the heavy rains. Not a record for sure, but maybe close to APH if we get a late frost. My flatter fields are not doing well this year despite tile work in the lowest spots. Fields without drain tile are a disaster this year. In the last couple drought years, it was just the opposite with the worst of this year yielding the best last year. | |