central - east central Minnesota - | If your township doesn't have the tax base to take care of your roads - what makes you think having the county take over will improve your road structures ? The county down the road from our county, does NOT take care of the Town roads better or in a timely manner as compared to the towns in our county. There are two towns in our county that hire their maintenance out and they don't do a very good job (mostly the town supervisors fault, as they control the amount of grading and maintenance work). I could understand joint townships consolidation - but not with a county. In our state (Minnesota), there are members of the Legislature that would like to abolish townships . . .. mostly to get the last little bit of revenue the state does appropriate toward the towns road maintenance. We are a larger town (37 sq miles). We have over 66 miles of gravel, asphalt and chip seal to maintain. Our population is around 2800. The residents attend the annual meeting and review all expenditures and decide the levy for the next season. They recognize the inflation of all costs and are willing to raise their property tax portion (levy) the town receives to operate. Current levy is $1.2 million - not enough, but we can get by . . . . The state gas tax the town gets for roads is around $20k. kind of a joke for the miles of road maintained . . . What is your levy for maintaining your Town ?
Edited by iseedit 8/23/2024 11:01