East Central South Dakota | I am a student of the power of human bias. Bias of our tribe and belief is just part of who we are, and it is very hard to overcome. The tour participants try hard but will fail because they are human. The Minnesota number will continue to shrink in my belief. The participants on the tour will reach out and pick an ear or area that is better than most---it is just human nature. In a buffet you reach out and take the bigger piece of cake. The holes and bad spots don't get sampled.
Bottom line is you can drive through this state and see the problems if you know what you are looking at. The problem expands itself into neighboring states. I have beat this Minnesota drum enough on here, so not to annoy anyone, I sign off on the issue saying this crop in Minnesota is getting smaller not larger and harvest has the potential to be a problem.
Even the Eastern corn belt which will have a good crop is shrinking if rain doesn't come. Will it shrink to a poor crop---no, it will be good. Remember corn was planted later than normal so an August rain means a little more. Corn in the eastern corn belt without rain could lose 1-3 bushels off of current number and we just keep slipping.
Continue to watch how exports are taking off. Our customers know value of price and they know what is really growing in our fields. |