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Multi Unit Discount guys
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Baby Robin
Posted 8/21/2024 12:15 (#10860346 - in reply to #10860296)
Subject: RE: Multi Unit Discount guys

Fontanelle, IA
jd8850 - 8/21/2024 10:47

Friends/farmers can talk amongst themselves and compare notes. A lot of these guys have been farming 40-50 years, sharp guys, and yes debt free.
FWIW ANYONE is privy to ANYONES financil with a simple trip to the courthouse (which I will never do)
If you're savvy on the computer guessing you can check on anyone you choose to online.

If that’s the case and anyone can do a financial checkup on any Joe Smooh, then how did folks like Stamp and Boerson and a long list of others make it for so long?
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