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Soybean damage: Sonic herbicide, aphids, or something else.
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Posted 8/19/2024 13:20 (#10857737)
Subject: Soybean damage: Sonic herbicide, aphids, or something else.

Came upon this small area of soys that are hurting pretty bad.

Sonic applied just after planting at 4oz rate. Just prior to flowering 32oz of rup PM3 with 32oz/100 gallon NIS.

Noticed some aphids but other areas have aphids as well.

Couple of 3” rain events in May/June. This is a lower area in the field. Damage follows the low area. Karst area so springs ran from upper field to this area which also had Sonic applied at the same rate.

Fert was 100# potash, 50# DAP, 25# elemental sulphur applied after planting.

Was soybeans last year as well.

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Attachments IMG_9118 (full).jpeg (304KB - 41 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9124 (full).jpeg (170KB - 37 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9122 (full).jpeg (155KB - 32 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9120 (full).jpeg (192KB - 39 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9119 (full).jpeg (117KB - 34 downloads)
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