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Anyone ever plant just forage peas?
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Posted 8/7/2024 08:51 (#10842433 - in reply to #10839868)
Subject: RE: Anyone ever plant just forage peas?

There used to be a farmer here that would grow straight peas and made some great yields. But most guys end up with a weed patch with some peas in it. Peas are super finicky and don’t always germ like they should. If you put a tiny scratch on the outer skin of the seed it won’t germ. I think guys that add them to oats often times don’t know how many or few peas actually grew but still looks good as a mix.

I would be more tempted to look at a high yielding annual clover or I’d mix it with barley or oats. Barley silage is super underrated in my opinion.
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