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9684 power shift transmission trouble
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Posted 7/31/2024 15:25 (#10834019 - in reply to #10833896)
Subject: RE: 9684 power shift transmission trouble

Jewell County KS
All of my manuals do not have anything in them about the powershift tractors. I do believe it is a 1402 series Twin-disc. I have a powershift 9684 and it seems I have seen that 3.0 on the readout for some reason. Mine will show the 3.0 on start up momentarily and then will flash between the letters C and N until the clutch is cycled. I will do some more checking.

Twin-disc info seems hard to come by but the construction industry used a bunch of them and Palmer-Johnson is the USA service guys.

Let me check some more but I have "fixed" a few twindisc issues on another tractor by disconnecting power for a bit. Maybe unhooking batteries would be something to try.

Edited by ks8780 7/31/2024 15:36

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