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Running feed numbers..
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Posted 7/30/2024 22:01 (#10833178 - in reply to #10832707)
Subject: RE: Running feed numbers..

Okay sounds good! I will have to check the ingredients in my mineral/balencer mix. I remember my nutritionist talking about the calcium being lowand said one of those will take care of that issue.

With that being said would you spend/pay $95 a ton to have as much of either product delievered to your farm? That is +/- a few $ depending on fuel what they cost me, and i can lock it in for a year. Between buying it, trucking it, and putting in my feed shed. I personally think its notta bad price considering corn would cost me $143T at $4bu. And id have somthing in trucking. I think these 2 together is better than straight corn and cheaper. Just trying to proove it to myself LOL. Thank you!
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