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PSA Prostrate blood test
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John Burns
Posted 7/17/2024 21:43 (#10815695 - in reply to #10815539)
Subject: balanced discussion

Pittsburg, Kansas

oldtiger - 7/17/2024 18:30 It's interesting that you say, "This won't be a popular video with this crowd". Is that kind of like you're saying, "I'm right and the rest of you guys on here are wrong"?

Not at all! I think I said, "Do I have answers? Absolutely not. I'm as clueless as the next guy. But I like to try and be informed, even if it still ends up in the end that I remain clueless." 
I think the guy in the video does a pretty good job of explaining the plusses and the minuses of the situation and what they do and don't know about the disease based on the current science. Did you watch it? It is not that long (4 minutes) and gives some pretty good information, whatever your slant or current position might be.
Here it is again if you missed it:

I personally think it is a very personal decision and I can't say for sure what my decision would be should I be diagnosed with cancer. A person can always say "I will do this" or "I will do that", but when the tiger is actually chasing you the reaction might be different than what is in you minds eye just imagining the situation. I am not sure how I would handle it. I would hope thoughtfully and with logical conclusions, but maybe not. I might be hysterical and go completely on emotions. I don't think a person ever knows for sure till they are tested with the real life situation.

I DO think it is good to consider things I might not have thought of myself. That is the benefit of discussion. Entertaining ideas a person might have never thought of or obtaining information they have never been exposed to for evaluation. If we only want everyone else to agree with us, might as well just talk to ourselves.

I post the other side of the discussion because there are many on here that are on the side of "early test", "test often", "early detection" and "early and quick treatment" or along those lines. I just wanted to point out that is not what all doctors or the literature necessarily always indicates. Could it fit the business model of the medical community better than it fits the patients? I don't know but think it is a question worth considering. At least for some of us.

Edited by John Burns 7/17/2024 21:58
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