Hooker Twp,Ne | Yes I have an iPad there so my wife can scroll Facebook. She can’t write but can read and see what’s going on. I also have FaceTime set up so when I connect to it it will answer on her side automatically. Her mind isn’t well enough for her to answer it herself. The nursing situation is something else. Short staffed. And seems cell phones come first. (If you know what I mean) Plate of food is dropped off at the resident in dining area and it may take half hour or longer before some get feed that need help. I’ve seen it all walking into a LTC facility twice daily this last year. It’s not only one but most from what I understand from talking to other individuals. . The one my wife is in I’ve been told is one of the better ones. The full time nurses are great with my wife and my understanding is this facility is trying to get all non- traveling nurses. Hopefully that will happen. | |