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What do you call a 250-year anniversary?
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Posted 7/12/2024 22:19 (#10808419 - in reply to #10807782)
Subject: RE: What do you call a 250-year anniversary?

E. Kansas
I hope something is chosen soon as the official name, and that plans are soon started all across the USA for a huge commemoration and celebration of our 250th. I would be happy if it was very similar to what was done to celebrate the Bicentennial. I think it would do our nation good to have this as something to focus on and help many realize just what we are so blessed to have and to live here, and that it would serve to help bring more unity in our nation. So many events were held to commemorate the Bicentennial.

The American Freedom Train was my favorite of the Bicentennial commemoration. Plans for it were started a number of years prior, and so much effort went into it, in so many different ways. It was a rolling history of the USA that visited all 48 contiguous states in 1975 and 1976. It was truly an experience to see running (we got up about 3:00 am to see it go through here and chased it for 40 miles on Santa Fe tracks), and then went through it at Forbes Field in Topaka, KS the next day. I'd love to see something like that run again, but I realize it's a completely different era now in railroading and so many other things.
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