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rtk using MNCORS vs terrastar c pro
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Posted 7/8/2024 21:00 (#10803408 - in reply to #10803114)
Subject: RE: rtk using MNCORS vs terrastar c pro

I have no experiece with terrastar but have a combine and two tractors running off of the mncors network. Reliability has been very good, maybe a couple very short drops all spring. A few years back it was pretty spotty but it's been good lately. Accuracy is spot on! I run the sprayer on the same guidance lines as the planter and have never had any trouble running down the rows with autosteer. I've done some strip tilling in the past and will again and never had any trouble hitting my strips either. We use Digifarm beacons with the Lefebure ntrip app on two units and the built in Ntrip client on a Trimble 2050 on the third so hardware costs are very low. For the money, I'm a big MnCors fan.
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