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rtk using MNCORS vs terrastar c pro
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Posted 7/8/2024 17:43 (#10803155 - in reply to #10803114)
Subject: RE: rtk using MNCORS vs terrastar c pro

Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Accuracy on TerraStar X and C Pro is essentially the same. The benefit to X is rapid convergence - like 90 seconds from power up versus 10 minutes on C Pro to get to the same level of accuracy. Note that the unlock to use C Pro is also cheaper than the unlock for X and RTK.

There is a massive value to using TerraStar signals from the aspect of simplicity - no extra hardware to buy, no worrying about how good your cell service is or how far you are from the RTK base. It just works. The down side is obviously the recurring subscription cost.

I generally recommend people price out your total cost over 5 years of ownership. Compare that to using cell modems, or even owning your own base with 450 MHz radios.

Once you get multiple receivers, the cost of owning your own base starts to look a lot more attractive because the cost of the base can be split across each of the rovers. For example, on our farm we have 3 tractors that we want high accuracy on. After looking at the cost of subscriptions over the next 5 years, owning a base looks cheap.
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