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Peanut oil for cooking, good or bad.
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John Burns
Posted 7/5/2024 21:30 (#10799796 - in reply to #10799305)
Subject: Physionic

Pittsburg, Kansas

You should check the comments below that video.

He is still stuck on LDL. High HDL and low triglycerides are  what is important in ordinary blood tests. High damaged LDL isn't good but high blood sugar is what damages LDL. Best way to get rid of high blood sugar is reduce carbs. I have listened to several of his videos over time and came to the conclusion he sees what he wants to see in the studies (like probably a lot of us do). I was never impressed enough with him to subscribe or even continue watching much of his stuff. Pretty smart guy, but I think he has got if wrong.

When the anecdotes get into the hundreds and thousands, pretty hard to ignore anecdotal results. Especially if one of those anecdotes happens to be yours truly.

If he talks enough he will convince himself.

Who to believe?

Edited by John Burns 7/5/2024 21:49
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