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Importing Ag Leader wheat planting map
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Posted 7/4/2024 06:09 (#10797688 - in reply to #10797594)
Subject: RE: Importing Ag Leader wheat planting map


fhb - 7/3/2024 22:39 Thanks, but if I don’t have the planting map while combining it won’t automatically know when to switch varieties. Will have to manually set the variety and guess where the variety changes. Most years I can tell visually between 2 varieties but the 2 pioneer varieties I have are very similar in height, etc. I’ll figure something out….

You don't HAVE to do anything in the combine. Call the variety "wheat" for all of harvest and then in the computer (SMS or Op Center) you can compare the planted variety map to the yield map and get what you're looking for. You don't NEED to have the varieties loaded in the combine to find yield by variety. You can if you want, but it's not required. 

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