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My working RTK Basestation
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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 7/2/2024 10:52 (#10795806 - in reply to #10794591)
Subject: RE: My working RTK Basestation

Southern Illinois

The part about needing improvements and updates is certainly true. Making things work with every caster out there is problematic sometimes. For instance,, if you use the login GET text ending in HTTP1.1, the BKG caster will not allow you to connect. It has to be a NTRIPv1 login and only ending with HTTP1.0
With some casters even on extra space will cause it to reject the login request. One will reject it if there is an extra carriage return / new line at the end.

We are slowly rebuilding our old caster software from the ground up. Completely redoing the threads and functions. When it's done it will be available as freeware again. It will be a vers 3+ something when it is done. We are working on a project with an ag equipment distributor in Hungary and a bunch of the AgOpengps members there to make a free use system across that country with farmer owned bases. This will include recognizing Deere bases and listing them directly as such in the sourcetable. For everything else we will have message data conversion and a network solution option based on the individualized master auxiliary concept (iMAC). The same will be then available as a limited freeware version for individual use.

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